Friday before last I didn’t feel all that great but I had no idea what I was up against. Saturday I began coughing. I don’t mean every now and then coughing. I mean every few seconds. I thought I would go mad from all the coughing. It wasn’t deep down coughing but little coughs, one after the other. Nothing helped and I mean nothing! I tried over the counter cough medicine, medicine to loosen mucus and get rid of it….even tried regular aspirin.
The cough had changed to a chest rattling cough but needless to say on Monday I didn’t go to work; I went to the doctor. After telling him about the constant coughing, he looked in my ears, down my throat and up my nose and said I had bronchitis. No other tests just that. I had no idea you could see bronchitis hanging around in a nose or the back of the throat but I guess you can.
Since I’m allergic to penicillin, he gave me an generic antibiotic no one I knew had ever taken or heard of. I was relieved when I went to get the prescription filled the pharmacy had some in stock. Of course maybe they had it in stock because no one else had had a prescription for it before. He also gave me some pill samples that had codeine in them. They were awesome. All it took was one to knock me out for the night. If I coughed I didn’t know it, I was too drugged up. The antibiotic was shaped like a football and I had to take 2 a day at the same time. I have a hard time swallowing pills period and when they are the size of your thumb well it’s hard, really really hard for me to get down. I’ve done though….everyday.
I didn’t go back to work until Friday. Yep, it was payday but that is not why I went back to work. I had to get out of the house. It’s one thing to stay at home when I want to but when it’s not my choice…that’s different. I guess you could say I need to be in control.
Today is Sunday and I’m still coughing. The coughing is becoming less frequent but where all the yuck I’m coughing up is coming from, I have no idea. Apparently, I thought I was fat but I beginning to wonder if it isn’t all mucus. I have lost weight since I’m been sick.
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