Saturday, April 11, 2009

~!~ No Gold Star for Starbucks ~!~

I was in the neighborhood this afternoon and thought I would visit Starbucks for a Caramel Frappuccino. That’s a lie. I live nowhere close to a Starbucks. I have to drive 20 miles to the closest one and yes I went there just for that. I love those Caramel Fraps with a passion. It’s probably a good thing I don’t live closer. Their beverages are not moderately priced and don’t mention the calories. Who knows what I would have to give up to pay for my Starbucks habit.


Anyway, the purpose of this blog is to express my disappointment. Starbucks was out of caramel for my Caramel Frappuccino. Can you imagine that - no caramel for a caramel drink. This is not the first time something like this happened. About a month ago I made yet another special trip to Starbucks for, you guessed it, my favorite drink. This time they were out of the regular mix and only had the lite. That’s right, they only had DIET Caramel Frappuccino. I know, I know the diet is more healthful but please, if I wanted healthful I would have order…..water. I wanted the full calorie, full flavor. The sweet sales girl promised it tasted just like the full calorie frap and I’ll admit it was close but it was NOT the Caramel Frappuccino I so loved.

So Starbucks, that’s two strikes. One more and you’re out. I’m not sure what that is going to mean yet but I feel a letter to the corporation coming on. Better than that, I’ll just send them a link to this blog!

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